To Compare the Effect of Vibration Therapy and Massage

 To Compare the Effect of Vibration Therapy and Massage


Goals: To think about the impacts of vibration treatment and back rub in counteraction of DOMS.

Techniques: Pre-test and Post-test Control-Group Design was utilized, 45 sound female non athletic Subjects were selected and haphazardly conveyed to the three gatherings (15 subject in each gathering). After the subject's underlying status was estimated exploratory gatherings got vibration treatment (50 Hz vibration for five minutes) or back rub treatment (15 minutes) mediation and control bunch got no treatment, only before the erratic activity.

Subjects were going through the accompanying estimations to assess the progressions in the muscle condition: muscle irritation (torment discernment), Range of Motion (ROM), Maximum Isometric Force (MIF), Repetition most extreme (RM), Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and Cretain Kinase (CK) level. Every one of the boundaries aside from LDH, CK and 1RM were estimated previously, quickly post intercession, promptly post work out, 24 hours post work out, 48 hours post practice and 72 hours post work out. LDH, CK and 1 RM were estimated previously and 48 hours post work out.

Result: Muscle irritation was accounted for to be altogether less for trial (vibration and back rub) bunch when contrasted with control bunch at 24, 48, and 72 hours of post-work out. Trial and control bunch showed no huge distinction in MIF quick , 24 hours , 48 hours and 72 hours of post-work out. Scope of movement showed critical recuperation in exploratory gatherings in 48 hours and 72 hours. Knead treatment showed critical recuperation in 1RM (p=0.000) contrasted with control gathering and vibration treatment shows essentially less LDH level 48 hours of post practice contrast with control bunch. CK at 48 hours of post practice in vibration gathering and back rub bunch showed massive contrast when contrasted with control bunch.

End: Vibration treatment and back rub are similarly powerful in anticipation of DOMS. Rub is successful in reclamation of concentric strength (1 RM). However vibration treatment shows clinically early decrease of torment and is compelling in diminishing the degree of LDH in 48 hours post practice periods.

Catchphrases: Vibration treatment, Massage treatment, DOMS tendon


DOMS has post practice beginning of 8-10 hours with irritation cresting 24-48 hours post practice . DOMS frequently creates after opposition preparing particularly after the power and volume of preparing are expanded, the request for practice is changed or another preparation system is performed. Various intercessions pointed toward reducing DOMS has been proposed like Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation , ultrasound and the organization of headache medicine and other mitigating drugs , steroids and L-ascorbic acid and different cancer prevention agents .

Vibration treatment works on solid strength, power advancement and sensation mindfulness , further develop muscle execution and forestalling sarcoma disturbance. Vibration treatment really further develop muscle execution which might forestall DOMS through forestalling sarcoma disturbance . Back rub can lessen the pressure on the muscle ligament unit that influences the visco-eleastic part of the tissue prompting an expansion in ability of the muscle and improvement of strong adaptability decreasing muscle solidness and furthermore expanding blood stream. Specialists have exhibited that back rub makes preventive impacts ,decline muscle touchiness and different side effects .

Side effects

Taking into account the real factors and conversations the point of the current review is to think about the impact the vibration treatment and back rub in forestalling DOMS and to assess the adjustment of muscle irritation, ROM, MIF, 1RM, Serum CK level and LDH level.


The review was endorsed by Institutional Ethical Committee of Jamia Millia Islamia. Pre-test and Post-test Control-Group Design was utilized, 45 solid female non athletic subjects were arbitrarily doled out to the three equivalent gatherings. After the subject's underlying condition was estimated exploratory gatherings got vibration treatment or back rub treatment mediation and control bunch got no treatment, only before the erratic activity.

Subjects were going through the accompanying estimations to assess the progressions in the muscle condition (without striking in continuation with the previous lines).

Muscle 부천오피 irritation (torment insight), ROM, MIF, 1 RM, LDH and C K level. Every one of the boundaries with the exception of LDH, CK and 1RM were estimated previously, quickly post intercession, promptly post work out, 24 hours post work out, 48 hours post practice and 72 hours post work out. LDH, CK and 1RM were estimated previously and 48 hours post work out.

Vibration Therapy

Subject was in recumbent situation on treatment table with arm resting by the side. The mechanical vibration of 50 Hz was utilized to apply the vibrations on the stomach and the ligaments of biceps brachii for five minutes, before erratic activity for enlistment of DOMS.

Rub Therapy

The subject was in recumbent situation on treatment table with arm resting by the side. Every remedial back rub method was duplicated through the watch (set clock) to control how much time spent per stroke as well as to control the profundity of the back rub. Complete time for remedial back rub was 15 minutes .

Practice Protocol for DOMS Induction

General arm development wewre performed for five minutes before the activity for acceptance of DOMS. From that point forward, subjects were situated on the stool with their back upheld against the wall. All subjects performed whimsical activity of elbow flexor muscles utilizing a hand weight. Weight of the free weight was 80% of the pre practice MIF. Subjects were told to bring down the hand weight from elbow flexed (50 degrees) to an elbow broadened position (170 degrees) in 4-5 seconds, keeping the speed as steady as conceivable by following the inspector counting '0' for the start and '1, 2, 3, 4, 5' during development. After every unconventional activity the inspector eliminated the heap and them arm was gotten back to the beginning position. The development was rehashed after like clockwork for 30 reiterations. This long span between the reiterations limited the impact of exhaustion. Subjects were verbally directed to bring down the hand weight for steady speed for the entire ROM .

Subordinate Variables

Muscle touchiness

Muscle touchiness was assessed utilizing a visual simple scale . The subjects were approached to show his apparent degree of muscle torment (irritation) in the non prevailing elbow flexor muscle on the line when a specialist broadened the elbow joint.

Elbow joint points and ROM

Subject was in the standing position. The goniometer was put regarding the matter arm with the middle situated at the elbow joint. Two elbow points were estimated. Flexed elbow joint point (FANG) was resolved when subjects were asked to completely flex the elbow joint by contacting their palm to bear without raising the elbow. For positions of goniometer semipermanent marker was utilized to distinguish the parallel center place of the humerus, the horizontal pivot point of elbow joint. 

Loosened up elbow joint point (RANG) addressed the point with the arm loosened up at the edge of the body during standing. RANG was resolved when subjects loosened up the arm permitting it to hang somewhere near the side. For situations of goniometer a semipermanent marker was utilized to distinguish the horizontal center point among sweep and ulna. Tooth and RANG were estimated multiple times for each time point utilizing a plastic goniometer, and the normal of the three estimation was determined, and ROM was characterized as the point deducting the mean FANG from the mean RANG .

Maximal Isometric Force

Subject were tried while recumbent lying on a cushioned mat on the treatment lounge chair/treatment table. Their assigned non predominant furthest point were situated with the shoulder kidnapped around 30degree, the elbow flexed 90 degree and lower arm supinated with their feet against their wall . Strength was estimated with the assistance of a strain measure (mounted on a wall). Level of strain measure was changed by the length of the subject's lower arm. Guidance to the subjects were to take 1-2 sec to come to most extreme power age alongside pulling strain 서울오피 measure and afterward keep flexing the elbow as hard as feasible for 5 second. Reliably verbal support and order was given all through each work. Three estimations were taken for each subject and ensuing estimation was isolated by 2 minutes rest. The mean upsides of three estimations were utilized for the examination.


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